Supervisory Board of the Company CPP “PREMA” S.A. 25-101 Kielce ul. Wapiennikowa 90, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Kielce 10th Economic Department of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000127140 having tax identification number NIP 657-03-86-838, with paid-up share capital in the amount of 14,000,000 PLN, announces the qualification proceedings for the function of:
Chairman of the Board
A candidate’s application should include:
- a cover letter,
- a curriculum vitae (CV),
- a higher education diploma,
- documents confirming a minimum of 5 years of employment under an employment contract, vocation, election, appointment, cooperative employment contract, or provision of services under another contract, or self-employment, including at least 3 years of experience in managerial or independent positions or resulting from self-employment,
- other documents confirming the candidate’s qualifications,
- a statement of having full legal capacity,
- a statement on the exercise of full public rights,
- a statement on not being subject to restrictions or prohibitions, specified by law, to occupy the position of a member of the management board in a commercial company,
- a current certificate of the candidate’s health, stating that he or she is capable of working in managerial positions,
- a current certificate of no criminal record from the National Criminal Register and a statement by the candidate that no penal or fiscal proceedings have been initiated and are pending against him/her,
- a statement that the candidate:
- does not perform the function of a social collaborator or is employed in the office of a deputy, senator, deputy-senator or the office of a Member of the European Parliament on the basis of an employment contract, or provides work on the basis of a contract of mandate, or other contract of a similar nature,
- is not a member of a political party body representing the political party externally and authorized to incur obligations,
- is not employed by a political party on the basis of an employment contract or provides work on the basis of a contract of mandate or other contract of a similar nature,
- does not hold an elected position in a company trade union organization or a company trade union organization of an IDA group company,
- his social or paid activity does not give rise to a conflict of interest against the company’s activities;
- a candidate born before 01.08.1972 should attach to the application information about the submission of a vetting declaration, as referred to in the Act of October 18, 2006 on disclosure of information about documents of state security bodies from 1944-1990 and the content of such documents,
- a statement of consent to the processing of personal data disclosed in the application for the purposes of the qualification procedure.
Candidates may also submit other documents, confirming their qualifications or skills (e.g., references, recommendations, certificates).
The candidate should submit originals or copies of the above-mentioned documents. Copies of documents may be certified by the candidate. In this case, during the interview, the candidate shall be obliged to present to the Supervisory Board the originals or official copies of the documents certified by him/her, under penalty of exclusion from further qualification proceedings.
Rules of the qualification procedure:
- Candidate applications should be submitted in person or sent by registered mail by 20/04/2023 at 3:00 pm in a sealed envelope marked: “Qualification proceedings for the position of President of the Board of Directors of CPP “PREMA” S.A. – do not open” to the address of the Company’s registered office: al. Wapiennikowa 90, 25-101 Kielce.
[Written applications submitted in person will be accepted at the secretary’s office of the Company’s headquarters, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. If offers are sent by mail, the day of delivery is decisive.]
- Interviews will be held at the Company’s headquarters, after May 08, 2023. Candidates will be notified of the exact date of the interview by phone and email before the interview date.
- Failure of a candidate to appear for an interview at the specified place and time shall mean that he/she will not participate in the further qualification procedure,
- The subject of the interview will be:
- knowledge of the Company’s scope of operations and the sector in which the Company operates,
- knowledge of issues related to managing and leading teams of employees,
- knowledge of the principles of operation of commercial law companies, with particular emphasis on companies with a stake in the State Treasury and state legal entities of the principles of remuneration in companies with a stake in the State Treasury and restrictions on the conduct of business by persons performing public functions,
- experience necessary to perform the functions of a member of the company’s board of directors,
- knowledge in the following fields:
- accounting,
- investment project evaluations,
- corporate finance,
- audit and financial control of the enterprise,
- organizing tasks and resources,
- organizing manufacturing processes,
- logistics of manufacturing processes,
- quality management,
- market and competition analysis,
- marketing,
- promotion,
- sales,
- public relations,
- principles and regulations of labor law,
- collective labor relations,
- personnel policies,
- appraisal and motivation system,
- employee training and development;
- basic information about the Company, i.e. the Articles of Incorporation, bylaws and organizational chart, the report for 2021, subject to publication in the National Court Register, the F-01 report for the fourth quarter of 2022, and a current copy of the National Court Register will be made available at the secretary’s office of the Company’s headquarters, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., within 7 days from the date of publication of this announcement, upon submission of a written statement of confidentiality.
- Candidate applications that do not meet the requirements specified in the announcement of the qualification procedure and that are submitted after the deadline specified for their receipt will not be considered, and candidates will not participate in the qualification procedure.
- The Supervisory Board may terminate the qualification procedure at any time, without stating reasons, without selecting candidates.
- The Supervisory Board will notify candidates in writing of the outcome of the qualification proceedings.
Candidates should provide contact information: mailing address, email address and contact phone.