Nomination for CPP “PREMA” S.A. in the competition for the promotional emblem and title of INNOVATION LEADER® 2023
We are pleased to provide you with information about the nomination for CPP “PREMA” S.A. in the competition for the award of the promotional emblem and title of INNOVATION LEADER® 2023.
It’s an open competition organized since 2001, and both individuals and companies participate. The condition for participation is to meet the rules set forth in the regulations.
The promotional emblem and title “LEADER OF INNOVATION®” are a prestigious distinction. Their use is governed by the guidelines for the word and figurative mark, which is registered with the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
The promotional emblem and the title “LEADER OF INNOVATION®” are awards that are given for outstanding achievements in the field of innovation. The idea behind the competition is to reward and promote activities that contribute to the development and promotion of invention, the transfer of technological knowledge and the popularization of innovative culture.
The purpose of the competition is to award and promote inventors, entrepreneurs, research and development institutions, universities and schools, economic and social organizations, financial institutions, local governments and outstanding public figures who achieve success in the conditions of the free market economy in the form of innovative achievements.
The Competition Committee selects candidates for the award of the emblem and title “LEADER OF INNOVATION®”, in each of the designated categories:
- Technology
- Product
- Institution
- Company
- Pro Publico Bono
- Innovation Manager
- Environmentalism
- Personality
- Female Inventor
- Young Inventor
We would like to thank the Chapter of the XXI INNOVATION LEADER® 2023 Competition for the nomination and appreciation of the activities of CPP “PREMA” S.A. in the development of an economy based on innovation.