“PREMAhealth – social and health prophylaxis to prevent premature quitting the labor market”
Association Świętokrzyski Local Fund in partnership with the Production Center of Pneumatics “PREMA” Joint Stock Company is implementing a project co-financed by European Funds titled:
“PREMAzdrowia – profilaktyka społeczna i zdrowotna zapobiegająca przedwczesnemu opuszczaniu rynku pracy”
(“PREMAhealth – social and health prophylaxis to prevent premature quitting the labor market”).
The project is co-financed by the European Union under the Regional Operational Program of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020 European Social Fund.
Number and name of the Priority Axis: RPSW.08.00.00 Development of education and active society.
Number and name of Measure: RPSW.08.02.00 Active and healthy aging.
Number and name of Sub-Action: RPSW.08.02.03 Support for preventive health care – ZIT.
The purpose of the project is to prolong the professional activity of residents of the Kielce Functional Area who are of working age by participating in a health program aimed at improving the physical, mental and social functioning of CPP “PREMA” S.A. employees, as well as minimizing physical and psychological harmful factors in the workplace and improving workplace comfort. The project is aimed at 100 UP (80M/20K, including 10 ON and 52 people aged 50+), employees of CPP “PREMA” S.A., working and living in the KOF area.
Free benefits
As part of the project, participants will be able to benefit free of charge from:
- laboratory tests: morphology, ESR, cholesterol, sugar, determination of hormones TSH, fT3, f4, urinalysis;
- posture examinations with physiotherapeutic consultation;
- psychological consultations and workshops;
- x-ray lung examinations;
- prostate examinations (men);
- mammography and cytology (women);
- preventive and informational workshops;
- retrofitting of workstations;
- preventive and social packages (such as: fitness/gym pass, massage voucher, going to the hairdresser/cosmetologist, swimming pool tickets, cinema tickets, go-kart track tickets, theater/harmonic hall tickets, going to the cafe/restaurant).
Feel free to come!
EU funding for the project: 350,420.00 PLN
Project implementation period: 01.08.2021. – 31.08.2022 r.
Detailed information at 41 366 95 15 or in room number 214.