Pneumatics for the energy industry

The energy industry is a very broad concept covering such branches of industry as:

  • Electricity production and transmission – power plants
  • Heat production and transmission – combined heat and power plants and heating plants
  • Production, storage, and transport of fuels – refineries

In all these places, elements of power pneumatics can be found, applied in transport lines or executive devices.

Given that energy production and storage is a key factor of the national economy, it is important that the devices used are reliable. Resistance to harsh working conditions and ensuring safety are two key factors determining the suitability of a given element.

Among the products designed for use in the energy industry, CPP PREMA proposes:

  • Standardized pneumatic actuators (ISO 15552) with an additional sealing package
  • Positioners for pneumatic actuators
  • Pneumatic elements dedicated to Ex zones
  • Compressed air preparation blocks

More information can be found on our blog.

Please contact our specialists who will help you choose the right assortment.