By entering these data, the calculator will determine the required pipe diameter to ensure the optimal performance of the compressed air system.
Air Flow Rate Calculator
Formula for Air Flow Rate in a Compressed Air System:
Q = Flow rate [m³/min]
d = Internal pipe diameter [mm]
ΔP = Pressure drop [bar]
Pmax = Maximum compressor pressure [bar]
L = Pipe length [m]
To properly determine the air flow rate in a compressed air system, several variables must be considered:
Pipe Diameter [mm]: The internal diameter of the pipes used.
Pipe Length [m]: The total length of the pipes in the system.
Acceptable Pressure Drop [bar]: The maximum pressure drop that can be tolerated.
Compressor Pressure [barg]: The pressure at which the compressor operates.
Selecting the appropriate flow rate ensures minimal pressure losses and maximum system efficiency.
Example of Using the Calculator:
Enter pipe diameter: e.g., 25 [mm].
Specify pipe length: e.g., 50 [m].
Set acceptable pressure drop: e.g., 0,3 [bar].
Determine compressor pressure: e.g., 8 [bar].
Result: Flow rate: 1341.07 [m³/min]
By entering these values, the calculator will compute the flow rate required to ensure optimal performance of the compressed air system.
Pressure Drop Calculator for Piping System
Formula for Pressure Drop in a Pneumatic System:
ΔP = Pressure drop in Pascals [bar]
V = Flow rate (capacity) in [m³/min]
L = Pipe length in meters [m]
Pmax = Maximum compressor pressure in [barg]
d = Pipe diameter in millimetres [mm]
To properly calculate the pressure drop in a compressed air system, several parameters must be considered:
Flow Rate [m³/min]: Specifies the amount of air flowing through the system.
Pipe Length [m]: Total length of the pipes in the system.
Internal Pipe Diameter [mm]: The internal diameter of the pipes used.
Compressor Pressure [barg]: The pressure generated by the compressor.
Selecting the appropriate values for these parameters ensures optimal system performance.
Example of Using the Calculator:
Enter flow rate: e.g., 0,02 [m³/min].
Specify pipe length: e.g., 300 [m].
Set pipe diameter: e.g., 0,59 [mm].
Enter compressor pressure: e.g., 8 [bar].
Result: Pressure drop: 0,29 [bar].
By inputting these values, the calculator will compute the pressure drop in the compressed air system.
Leakage Rate Calculator
Formula for Calculating Leakage in a Compressed Air System:
QL = Leakage rate [m³/min]
Vb= Tank capacity [liters]
Pa = Initial tank pressure [barg]
Pe = Final tank pressure [barg]
t= Measurement time [seconds]
To properly calculate the leakage rate in a compressed air system, consider the following parameters:
Tank Capacity [l]: The capacity of the compressed air tank.
Initial Tank Pressure [barg]: The pressure in the tank at the start of the measurement.
Final Tank Pressure [barg]: The pressure in the tank at the end of the measurement.
Measurement Time [s]: The duration of the measurement.
Correctly entering these known parameters allows you to determine the leakage rate in the compressed air system.
Example of Using the Calculator:
Enter tank capacity: e.g., 100 [l].
Specify initial tank pressure: e.g., 7 [bar].
Set final tank pressure: e.g., 6 [bar].
Enter measurement time: e.g., 60 [s].
Result: Leakage rate: 0,1 [m³/min].
By entering these values, the calculator will compute the leakage rate to determine the losses caused by leaks in the system.
Compressed Air Tank Sizing Calculator
Formula for Selecting a Compressed Air Tan:
V = Tank volume [liters]
Qc = Compressor capacity [l/s]
P1 = Air inlet pressure [bar]
T1 = Maximum air inlet temperature [°C]
T0 = Compressed air temperature in tank [°C]
ΔP = Pressure difference between load and unload [bar]
fmax = Maximum frequency [cycles/30 s]
To properly select a compressed air tank, several parameters must be considered:
Compressor Capacity [m³/min]: The amount of air delivered by the compressor.
Air Inlet Pressure [bar]: The pressure of the air before the compressor.
Maximum Air Inlet Temperature [°C]: The highest temperature of the air entering the compressor.
Compressed Air Temperature in Tank [°C]: The temperature of the air in the tank.
Pressure Difference between Load and Unload [bar]: The pressure difference at the compressor’s start and stop.
Maximum Frequency [cycles/30 s]: The maximum number of compressor cycles in 30 seconds.
Selecting the appropriate values ensures the correct tank size for the compressed air system.
Example of Using the Calculator:
Enter compressor capacity: e.g., 2 [m³/min].
Specify air inlet pressure: e.g., 1 [bar].
Set maximum air inlet temperature: e.g., 30[°C].
Enter compressed air temperature in tank: e.g., 20[°C].
Set pressure difference: e.g., 0,2 [bar].
Enter maximum frequency: e.g., 5 [cycles/30 s].
Result: Tank volume: 8,1975 [l]
By entering these values, the calculator will compute the tank volume to ensure optimal performance of the compressed air system.
Cylinder Air Consumption Calculator
Air Consumption Value (Nl/min):
Total Cost (€ / year):
Formula for Calculating Air Consumption of a Cylinder:
D = Piston Diameter [mm]
S= Stroke Length [mm]
P= Supply Pressure [bar]
N = Number of Cylinders
C = Cycles per Minute
Formula for Calculating Total Cost:
Air Consumption = As calculated above [Nl/min]
Operating Days = Operating Days per Year
Operating Hours = Operating Hours per Day
Air Cost = Cost of Air per Normal Cubic Meter [€/Nm³]
Explanation of the Formula:
Cylinder Volume per Cycle: The term (π×D2)/(4*1,000,000) calculates the cross-sectional area of the piston in square meters.
Stroke Conversion:S/1,000 converts the stroke length from millimetres to metres.
Pressure Adjustment:(P+1) adjusts the gauge pressure to absolute pressure in bar.
Total Consumption: Multiplying by N, C, and 2 accounts for the number of cylinders, cycles per minute, and the double action (extension and retraction) of the cylinder.
Unit Conversion: Multiplying by 1,000 converts the volume from cubic metres to normal litres per minute (Nl/min).
Instructions for Using the Calculator:
Supply Pressure (bar): Enter the supply pressure in bars.
Piston Diameter (mm): Enter the diameter of the piston in millimetres.
Stroke Length (mm): Enter the stroke length of the cylinder in millimetres.
Number of Cylinders: Enter the total number of cylinders in operation.
Cycles per Minute: Enter the number of cycles each cylinder completes per minute.
Operating Hours per Day: Enter the number of hours the cylinders operate each day.
Operating Days per Year: Enter the number of days the cylinders operate per year.
Air Cost (€/Nm³): Enter the cost of compressed air per normal cubic metre.
Example of Using the Calculator:
Supply Pressure:P=6 bar
Piston Diameter:D=50 mm
Stroke Length:S=100 mm
Number of Cylinders:N=2
Cycles per Minute:C=30
Operating Hours per Day:8 hours
Operating Days per Year:250 days
Air Cost:0.02 €/Nm³
Air Consumption Value:164.93 Nl/min
Total Cost:€395.84 per year
By entering these values into the calculator, you can accurately determine the air consumption and operating costs of your cylinder system, allowing for better budgeting and efficiency assessments.
Note: This calculation assumes ideal conditions and does not account for leaks, inefficiencies, or other real-world factors that may affect air consumption and cost.