
Table of pitch diameters of metric threads in accordance with ISO 262

Table of pitch diameters of metric threads in accordance with ISO 262


The ISO 262 standard regulates the pitch diameters of metric threads, which are commonly used in many industries. In this table you will find detailed information on the most popular metric threads, their pitch diameters and other relevant technical data to help you choose the right thread for your project.

Metric threads to ISO 262 are widely used in bolted connections and their standardisation ensures easy interchangeability and reliability in a variety of technical applications.

What is ISO 262?

The ISO 262 standard defines standard dimensions for metric threads, particularly in the context of pitch diameters and other geometrical parameters. With this standard, all threaded products and components can be compatible regardless of manufacturer or region.

Threads complying with ISO 262 are used in the production of bolts, nuts and other fasteners in various industries such as automotive, construction or electronics.

Examples of the use of ISO 262:

  • Metric bolts in the automotive industry.
  • Fasteners in mechanical engineering.
  • Applications in steel construction.

Table: Pitch diameters of metric threads

Table of pitch diameters of metric threads in accordance with ISO 262

Nominal diameter
(D, d)
(diagram ↓)
R max. (pid)/4
d=D d1=D1 d2=D2
M0.25 0.075 0.25 0.178 0.201 0.015 0.021
M0.3 0.08 0.3 0.223 0.248 0.016 0.035
M0.35 0.09 0.35 0.264 0.292 0.018 0.049
M0.4 0.1 0.4 0.304 0.335 0.020 0.065
M0.45 0.1 0.45 0.354 0.385 0.020 0.090
M0.5 0.125 0.5 0.380 0.419 0.025 0.112
M0.55 0.125 0.55 0.430 0.469 0.025 0.132
M0.6 0.15 0.6 0.456 0.503 0.030 0.147
M0.7 0.175 0.7 0.532 0.586 0.035 0.200
M0.8 0.2 0.8 0.608 0.670 0.040 0.261
M0.9 0.225 0.9 0.684 0.754 0.045 0.330
0.25 1 0.729 0.838 0.025 0.354
0.2 1 0.788 0.870 0.020 0.427
0.25 1.1 0.829 0.938 0.025 0.469
0.2 1.1 0.883 0.970 0.020 0.550
0.25 1.2 0.929 1.038 0.025 0.596
0.2 1.2 0.983 1.070 0.020 0.690
0.3 1.4 1.075 1.205 0.030 0.786
0.2 1.4 1.183 1.270 0.020 1.020
0.35 1.6 1.221 1.373 0.035 1.020
0.2 1.6 1.383 1.470 0.020 1.410
0.35 1.8 1.421 1.573 0.035 1.410
0.2 1.8 1.583 1.670 0.020 1.850
0.4 2 1.567 1.741 0.040 1.700
0.25 2 1.729 1.838 0.025 2.190
0.45 2.2 1.713 1.908 0.045 2.040
0.25 2.2 1.929 2.038 0.025 2.750
0.45 2.5 2.013 2.208 0.045 2.860
0.35 2.5 2.121 2.273 0.035 3.270
0.5 3 2.459 2.675 0.050 4.310
0.35 3 2.621 2.773 0.035 5.070
0.6 3.5 2.850 3.110 0.060 5.770
0.35 3.5 3.121 3.273 0.035 7.260
0.7 4 3.242 3.545 0.070 7.440
0.5 4 3.459 3.675 0.050 8.760
0.75 4.5 3.688 4.013 0.075 9.680
0.5 4.5 3.959 4.175 0.050 11.600
0.8 5 4.134 4.480 0.080 12.200
0.5 5 4.459 4.675 0.050 14.800
M5.5 0.5 5.5 4.959 5.175 0.050 18.400
1 6 4.917 5.350 0.100 17.200
0.75 6 5.188 5.513 0.075 19.700
0.5 6 5.459 6.675 0.500 22.400
1 7 5.917 6.350 0.100 25.300
0.75 7 6.188 6.513 0.075 28.400
0.5 7 6.459 6.675 0.050 31.600
1.25 8 6.647 7.188 0.125 31.700
1 8 6.917 7.350 0.100 35.000
0.75 8 7.188 7.513 0.075 38.600
0.5 8 7.459 7.675 0.050 42.300
1.25 9 7.647 8.188 0.125 42.500
1 9 7.917 8.350 0.100 46.300
0.75 9 8.188 8.513 0.075 50.400
0.5 9 8.459 8.675 0.050 54.600
1.5 10 8.376 9.026 0.150 50.600
1.25 10 8.647 9.188 0.125 54.900
1 10 8.917 9.350 0.100 59.200
0.75 10 9.188 9.513 0.075 63.800
0.5 10 9.459 9.675 0.050 68.500
1.5 11 9.376 10.026 0.150 64.000
1 11 9.917 10.350 0.100 73.600
0.75 11 10.188 10.513 0.075 78.500
0.5 11 10.459 10.675 0.050 83.300
1.75 12 10.106 10.683 0.175 73.900
1.5 12 10.376 11.026 0.150 78.500
1.25 12 10.647 11.188 0.125 84.900
1 12 10.917 11.350 0.100 89.900
0.75 12 11.188 11.513 0.075 95.000
0.5 12 11.459 11.675 0.050 100
2 14 11.635 12.701 0.200 102
1.5 14 12.376 13.026 0.150 113
1.25 14 12.647 13.188 0.125 121
1 14 12.917 13.350 0.100 127
0.75 14 13.188 13.513 0.075 133
0.5 14 13.459 13.675 0.050 139
1.5 15 13.376 14.026 0.150 133
1 15 13.917 14.350 0.100 147
2 16 13.835 14.701 0.200 141
1.5 16 14.376 15.026 0.150 154
1 16 14.917 15.350 0.100 170
0.75 16 15.188 15.513 0.075 177
0.5 16 15.459 15.675 0.050 184
1.5 17 15.376 16.026 0.150 177
1 17 15.917 16.350 0.100 194
2.5 18 15.294 16.376 0.250 170
2 18 15.835 16.701 0.200 186
1.5 18 16.376 17.026 0.150 201
1 18 16.917 17.350 0.100 222
0.75 18 17.188 17.513 0.075 227
0.5 18 17.459 17.675 0.050 235
2.5 20 17.294 18.376 0.250 219
2 20 17.835 18.701 0.200 238
1.5 20 18.376 19.026 0.150 254
1 20 18.917 19.350 0.100 272
0.75 20 19.188 19.513 0.075 284
0.5 20 19.459 19.675 0.050 293
2.5 22 19.294 20.376 0.250 275
2 22 19.835 20.701 0.200 296
1.5 22 20.376 21.026 0.150 314
1 22 20.917 21.350 0.100 336
0.75 22 21.188 21.513 0.075 346
0.5 22 21.459 21.675 0.050 356
3 24 20.752 22.051 0.300 317
2 24 21.835 22.701 0.200 360
1.5 24 22.376 23.026 0.150 380
1 24 22.917 23.350 0.100 405
0.75 24 23.188 23.513 0.075 415
2 25 22.835 23.701 0.200 394
1.5 25 23.376 24.026 0.150 415
1 25 23.907 24.350 0.100 441
M26 1.5 26 24.376 25.026 0.150 452
3 27 23.752 25.051 0.300 419
2 27 24.835 25.701 0.200 468
1.5 27 25.376 26.026 0.150 491
1 27 25.907 26.350 0.100 519
0.75 27 26.188 26.513 0.075 531
2 28 25.835 26.701 0.200 507
1.5 28 26.376 27.026 0.150 531
1 28 26.917 27.350 0.100 560
3.5 30 26.211 27.727 0.350 507
3 30 26.752 28.051 0.300 535
2 30 27.835 28.701 0.200 590
1.5 30 28.376 29.026 0.150 616
1 30 28.917 29.350 0.100 647
0.75 30 29.188 29.513 0.075 661
2 32 29.835 30.701 0.200 679
1.5 32 30.376 31.026 0.150 707
3.5 33 29.211 30.727 0.350 633
3 33 29.752 31.051 0.300 665
2 33 30.839 31.701 0.200 726
1.5 33 31.376 32.026 0.150 755
1 33 31.917 32.350 0.100 789
0.75 33 32.188 32.513 0.075 804
M35 1.5 35 33.376 34.026 0.150 855
4 36 31.670 33.402 0.400 740
3 36 32.752 34.051 0.300 809
2 36 33.835 34.701 0.200 876
1.5 36 34.376 35.026 0.150 908
1 36 34.917 35.350 0.100 940
M38 1.5 38 36.376 37.026 0.015 1018
4 39 34.670 36.402 0.400 892
3 39 35.752 37.051 0.300 968
2 39 36.835 37.701 0.200 1040
1.5 39 37.376 38.026 0.150 1075
1 39 37.917 38.350 0.100 1116
3 40 36.752 38.051 0.300 1024
2 40 37.835 38.701 0.200 1099
1.5 40 38.376 39.026 0.150 1134
4.5 42 37.129 39.077 0.450 1024
4 42 37.670 39.402 0.400 1058
3 42 38.752 40.051 0.300 1140
2 42 39.835 40.701 0.200 1219
1.5 42 40.376 41.026 0.150 1257
1 42 40.917 41.350 0.100 1301
4.5 45 40.129 42.077 0.450 1201
4 45 40.670 42.402 0.400 1238
3 45 41.752 43.051 0.300 1327
2 45 42.835 43.701 0.200 1412
1.5 45 43.376 44.026 0.150 1452
1 45 43.917 44.350 0.100 1500
5 48 42.587 44.752 0.500 1346
4 48 43.670 45.402 0.400 1432
3 48 44.752 46.051 0.300 1527
2 48 45.835 46.701 0.200 1619
1.5 48 46.376 47.026 0.150 1662
1 48 46.917 47.350 0.100 1713
3 50 46.752 48.051 0.300 1669
2 50 47.835 48.701 0.200 1765
1.5 50 48.376 49.026 0.150 1810
5 52 46.587 48.752 0.500 1619
4 52 47.670 49.402 0.400 1713
3 52 48.752 50.051 0.300 1817
2 52 49.835 50.701 0.200 1917
1.5 52 50.376 51.026 0.150 1963
1 52 50.917 51.350 0.100 2019
4 55 50.670 52.402 0.400 1940
3 55 51.752 53.051 0.300 2051
2 55 52.835 53.701 0.200 2157
1.5 55 53.376 54.026 0.150 2206
5.5 56 50.046 52.428 0.550 1870
4 56 51.670 53.402 0.400 2019
3 56 52.752 54.051 0.300 2132
2 56 53.835 54.701 0.200 2240
1.5 56 54.376 55.026 0.150 2290
1 56 54.917 55.350 0.100 2350
4 58 53.670 55.402 0.400 2181
3 58 54.752 56.051 0.300 2291
2 58 55.835 56.701 0.200 2411
1.5 58 56.376 57.026 0.150 2463
5.5 60 54.046 56.428 0.550 2190
4 60 55.670 57.402 0.400 2350
3 60 56.752 58.051 0.300 2472
2 60 57.835 58.701 0.200 2588
1.5 60 58.376 59.026 0.150 2642
1 60 58.917 59.350 0.100 2706
4 62 57.670 59.402 0.400 2525
3 62 58.752 60.051 0.300 2651
2 62 59.835 60.701 0.200 2771
1.5 62 60.376 61.026 0.150 2827
6 64 57.505 60.103 0.600 2472
4 64 59.670 61.402 0.400 2706
3 64 60.752 62.051 0.300 2837
2 64 61.835 62.701 0.200 2961
1.5 64 62.376 63.026 0.1500 3019
1 64 62.917 63.350 0.100 3088
Nominal diameter
(D, d)
(diagram ↓)
R max. (pid)/4
d=D d1=D1 d2=D2

Source: http://ppmm.pl/r_gw_metr.htm
Downloadable: Table of pitch diameters for metric threads.pdf

How to read a metric thread table?

The metric thread table provides key information on thread diameters and pitch, which are in accordance with ISO 262. By reading the data in the table, you can quickly determine the most important thread parameters, such as nominal diameter, pitch diameter and other important dimensions.

Key elements of the table:

  • Nominal diameter (D, d): This is the nominal value of the thread diameter, the basic parameter by which a metric thread is designated. It is the outside diameter of the thread (D for external bolts, d for internal nuts).
  • Thread pitch (P): The distance between adjacent thread turns, measured parallel to the thread axis. A larger pitch means a greater distance between coils and therefore faster joining of components, while a smaller pitch provides a more precise connection.
  • Outer diameter (d = D): This is the maximum diameter of the thread, which is equal to the nominal diameter. In the case of an external thread (e.g. a bolt), this is the maximum thread diameter and in the case of an internal thread (e.g. a nut), this is the minimum bore diameter.
  • Internal diameter (d1 = D1): This is the internal diameter of the thread, measured between the tops of the coils. This diameter is important because it affects the strength of the connection and the fit of the bolt and nut.
  • Pitch diameter (d2 = D2): This is the diameter between the outer diameter and the inner diameter, most important for the strength and compatibility of the thread. It refers to the point where the teeth of the thread meet at half their height.
  • R max: This is the maximum radius of the rounding of the thread tips. It provides greater wear resistance and mechanical strength to the thread and also affects the durability of the connections.
  • (pid)/4: This is a calculation value which is used to determine certain geometrical parameters of a thread, related to its design. It is a technical parameter used mainly by engineers and designers.

Example of reading a line from the table:

For M10x1.5 thread:

  • Nominal diameter (D, d): 10 mm
  • Pitch (P): 1.5 mm
  • Outside diameter (d = D): 10 mm
  • Inner diameter (d1 = D1): 8.160 mm
  • Pitch diameter (d2 = D2): 9.026 mm
  • R max.: 0.144 mm
  • (pid)/4: technical value related to calculations, used in thread engineering.

Application of graduated diameters in practice

Pitch diameters according to ISO 262 are extremely important in industry, especially when designing fasteners such as bolts and nuts. Standard dimensions ensure that different components from different manufacturers are compatible with each other.

Main applications:

  • Bolt and nut manufacturing – standardisation ensures that connections are robust and reliable.
  • Mechanical and plant engineering – exact dimensions ensure precise fit of components.
  • Mechanical engineering – the use of ISO 262 standards eliminates problems of incompatible threads in different machines.

Supplementary tables: