CPP “PREMA” S.A. on a study visit to the Dr Irena Eris factory
On 25 November 2022, we signed a cooperation agreement as part of the Industrial Development Agency Group. The main assumption of this agreement is the introduction of high organisational standards and effective tools to strengthen synergies in the activities of companies within the IDA Group. These activities are consequently intended to serve the long-term development and increase CPP “PREMA” S.A.’s competitiveness.
It is worth taking examples from the best, so as part of the study visit we toured the Dr Irena Eris S.A. factory. It was the second in a series of meetings organised by the Efficiency Improvement Office of the Industrial Development Agency S.A. (Biuro Poprawy Efektywności Agencji Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A.) for representatives of the IDA Group. The CPP “PREMA” S.A. company was represented during the meeting by: Director of the Management and Administration Office/Proxy Ms Agnieszka Radomek and Administration Specialist Mr Jacek Kras.

Dr Irena Eris is a family company with over forty years of tradition, and is the pride of the Polish cosmetics industry. The company supplies innovative products to customers almost all over the world.
The owners and managers set both short- and long-term goals, allowing the development of four pillars of the business:
- Dr Irena Eris Scientific and Research Centre,
- Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Institutes,
- Dr Irena Eris SPA Hotels,
- Dr Irena Eris Cosmetics.

During the meeting, we touched on management standards, based, among other things, on company strategy, the original goal set, MBO, budgeting, controlling, process and risk management, and norms and standards.
We had the opportunity to learn about the rich history, the broad horizon in strategy planning, the approach to product quality and the development of the company. This was possible courtesy of Dr Irena Szołomicka-Orfinger – Director of the Research and Innovation Division, Henryk Orfinger – Chairman of the Company’s Supervisory Board, Paweł Orfinger – President of the Company’s Management Board and Grzegorz Szymański – Member of the Management Board and Finance Director.
The meeting concluded with the presentation of the second chapter of the Business Transformation Process Methodology.